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6 Steps Runners Should Take to Avoid Back Injuries

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Running is a great way to stay in shape, but anything from the wrong shoes to the wrong form can have a negative impact on the health of your spine. After all, running is quite a high-impact activity, and the spine is tasked with absorbing a lot of that impact force. Make sure you follow these six steps to ensure your running routine doesn’t produce back pain. 1. Wear the Right Shoes Read More»

Simple Advice on Seeing a Doctor in Australia

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No one should ever put off seeing a doctor when needed, especially for urgent matters, and routine checkups are a good way of ensuring long-term health for you and your family. If you’ve recently moved to Australia or are just getting out on your own and aren’t sure what’s involved in seeing a doctor, note a few simple but important tips and reminders about making an appointment, billing, and routine care. Read More»

Two health checks every elderly person needs to have

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As a person approaches their twilight years, the health of their body begins to decline. This is why it is crucial for all elderly people to get periodic health checks; these will enable them to get the medication and the support they require so that they can adapt to the physical changes they are experiencing and thus maintain their quality of life. Here are two health tests that all older people should have at least once a year. Read More»

4 Signs Your Amalgam Filling Has Caused Cracks and Fractures Due to Expansion and Contraction

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Amalgam fillings are rarely used by dentists these days, and there are plenty of reasons why. One of the most important is that amalgam expands and contracts due to fluctuations in temperature. So, the filling will expand slightly when you drink a hot cup of coffee, and then contract slightly when you enjoy a nice spoonful of ice cream. As time goes by, those small expansions and contractions can start to cause small cracks and micro-fractures along the surface of the remaining tooth. Read More»

How to Make a Funeral More Meaningful

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When a loved one dies, it is hard to think about the service you will give them, but it is important to start planning as soon as you can. This allows you to have time to plan something that will provide the most meaning. The following information gives you some insight into what elements add more meaning to a funeral service. Readings and Speakers One good way to make a funeral service more meaningful is by asking people to speak during the service. Read More»