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Your Guide to Effective Vertigo Treatments

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Suffering from vertigo can feel frustrating and uncomfortable. Whether you're experiencing mild dizziness or you continuously feel as though the room is spinning, it can disrupt your everyday life. Fortunately, there are a few effective treatments out there. The type you'll need to use may vary according to your condition and what has worked in the past.


In some cases, medications act as an appropriate form of vertigo treatment. For example, you may suffer from labyrinthitis as a result of an ear infection. When this is the case, a course of antibiotics may be useful and could result in your vertigo resolving. Some people also find that they benefit from certain types of antihistamines, but they can come with side effects such as drowsiness. If you're suffering from a condition such as Meniere's disease, your doctor may also choose water tablets that could address the fluid build-up in the affected ear. 


It's possible to treat some forms of vertigo using specific maneuvers. Your ear features a series of semi-circular canals that depend on the careful placement of crystals to achieve your usual sense of balance. When these crystals detach, they can cause the spinning sensations, nausea, and dizziness that vertigo sufferers experience. Some doctors and physiotherapists train to execute certain maneuvers that can bring your ear's crystals back into balance. One such treatment is the Epley maneuver. It's a safe treatment, but you may not be able to use it if you've recently had ear surgery or experienced a head injury.


You may also find that physiotherapy is a useful treatment for vertigo. It's usually used in chronic cases where fast-acting treatments such as medications and maneuvers haven't had the desired effect. While it doesn't always remove vertigo altogether, it can help you regain a sense of balance so that your symptoms feel less severe. It's also useful when you need to adjust to physical movements such as walking. Your physiotherapist can also assess the way you perform certain activities and offer advice on adapting them so that you feel more comfortable.


In a small number of cases, surgery as a vertigo treatment is necessary. However, your medical team will likely prioritise less invasive treatments first. Usually, surgery is useful when your doctors know that your vertigo is arising due to a tumour or another physiological cause. If it's a route you choose, make sure you understand potential side effects and explore other options first.

Contact a medical professional to learn more about vertigo treatments.
